Early Social Events at Lalla
From the "North Eastern Advertiser" October 31st 1935
On September 25th in the packing shed the Parents and Friends Association held a most successful concert and dance. Items were rendered by the school children and Mrs Bird.
During the interval the Warden Mr L Proctor announced the result of the baby competition which has caused great interest in the district.
Zelda Burke 1272 votes
Doreen Moore 763 votes
Keith Hill 360 votes
Each baby received a prize whilst the mothers were presented with bouquets. The audience then sang “For They Are Jolly Good Fellows”.
The lucky note was won by Mr B White of Launceston. Mrs James of Longford won the guessing competition. The prize was a cake made by Mrs B Hill. Messrs Bob Burke and Horace Dickens kindly played for the dance.
Thanks are due to Mr V Burke doorkeeper and Mr Bratt for preparing the shed.
From "The Examiner 26/5/1936"
Empire Day celebrations were held at the state school on Friday. Mrs Hudson, Mr Hetherington and Mr W Wilson visited the school and a patriotic service was held. Rev Fairey and the teacher Miss H Green gave addresses.
There was a good attendance of parents and friends and they entertained the children to morning tea.
From The Examiner 13/3/1942 Social Pages
A surprise party organised by her daughter Mrs C Barrett was paid to Mrs T Burke on her birthday. A happy evening was spent with community singing and table games. Miss Zelda Burke presented the guest of the evening with a bouquet of asters. A beautiful bouquet was also sent by Mr and Mrs WJ Walker.
Those present were Miss T Burke, Mr and Mrs C Barrett, Mr and Mrs V Burke, Mr and Mrs E Moore, Mrs A Dickson, Mr and Mrs G Brooks, Mrs C Brooks, Misses M Quill, D Brooks, Zelda Burke, Doreen Moore, M Burke, K Quill, J Clemons, H Brooks, L George, Ken Dickson, Allen Burke and G Moore.