North Eastern Advertiser 22/4/1927
Five members of the executive of the Launceston 50,000 league inspected the Lilydale Falls on the 10th last in the company of Mr ED Weston.
The visitors considered that the fern glades above the second falls were some of the best in the vicinity of Launceston. As they are only a short distance from Launceston the falls are now a favourite picnic resort for tourists and a great many of them go back through Lalla for the purpose of seeing the famous Lalla Nurseries of Mr Frank Walker.
After lunch the members of the league accompanied by Messrs LA Proctor (Warden), ED Weston and W Wilson made an inspection of the track to Mount Arthur. The two cars were driven right up to the property of Mr W Dornauf and from there the party proceeded on foot.
Good work has been done by the Boy Scouts in clearing portions of this track. The party did not reach the summit of the mountain owing to their late start but reached an altitude of 3,000 feet.
The visitors were delighted with the extensive view of the seacoast and the River Tamar with the surrounding districts in between.
Early Walchs almanacs also list what is now known as Hollybank as a Lilydale tourist attraction. This beautiful area is the result of a failed business venture. The ash plantation was first grown to supply wood for tennis racquets.
Lilydale Falls as it probably looked at the time of this article
(photographer and date of photo currently unknown)
Lilydale and the Tamar River as seen from Mount Arthur today
(photo taken 2007 by Kathy Hawes)