MacFarlane’s History of North East Tasmania, published in 2007 by the North Eastern Advertiser.

The First School

The residents of the district erected their first school in 1871.  The late William Wilson and the late G.K. Sulzberger took a leading part in connection with this project.

Constructed of split timber, the school was build by voluntary labour.  The Bush Nursing Centre (now the Mary Walsh Centre) now stands on the site of the old school.

The Council Clerk informs me a brass tablet is being put up to mark the spot where the children of the pioneers first received their education.

The first teacher was Mr. W.E. Herriott.  Other teachers whose names are on the list of the school at Lilydale include:  Figgis, Wm. Dakin, Shaw, Wyett, John Scott, Martin T. Cheek, Mrs. Mary Rees and John D. Rees.

Mr. Rees came from Wales, and had charge of Bracknell school in 1881 and Perth the following year.  He resigned in 1884 and purchased a farm at Lebrina, then in 1889 re-entered the Education Department and was appointed to the school at Lisle in the old mining days.

Later he was appointed to the Lilydale school, in conjunction with his wife.

By the way, Mr. W. Wilson who recently received warm congratulations on the long term of splendid service he has given as Council Clerk, is a grandson of the old pioneer whose name appears so frequently in the records.

The original William Wilson selected the property known as “Maxwellton” 97 years ago, and the family propose holding a celebration in three years’ time to mark the event.  The property is now owned by Mr. Hugh Wilson, another grandson.

Another point of interest is that three grandsons of Edward Thomas Dolbey who was mentioned in these notes some little time back, preserve continuity of the family name with Lilydale, as employees of the municipal council.

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